Submitted by daniel on Tue, 22/10/2024 - 08:00 Picture Image Description Chris Kaba hugged his mother and set off from her home in Peckham, southeast London, shortly after 9pm on September 5, 2022. He said he was going to visit a friend and drove away in a blue Audi Q8. It would be the last time that Helen Lumuanganu, 53, saw her son alive. Here is how the fatal shooting of the 24-year-old unfolded. At the start of a 12-hour shift, firearms officers in Lambeth attended their daily briefing. Senior officers ran through a list of incidents including a shooting outside a school in Brixton, south London, the previous night. An “ex-military man said he heard two distinct shots fired” near a primary school. A woman reported seeing four men wearing balaclavas exiting a vehicle. One Web Link What happened to Chris Kaba? The ‘chaotic’ night he was shot - The Times The Times