Love Lambeth

Lambeth Proposes to Enhance Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route

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Lambeth Proposes to Enhance Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route - Love Lambeth

The Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route is part of the Healthy Routes network, connecting neighbourhoods in and around Herne Hill, Tulse Hill and Streatham, using mainly quieter streets. Since September 2020, the project has sought to enable walking, cycling, and wheeling.

The first phase introduced cycle lanes on Norwood Road alongside Brockwell Park. In the second phase, traffic wands were added to the northbound cycle lane, to increase safety for people cycling.

Winning Thames waterman’s prize returns to Lambeth Archives

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Welcome home to a rare piece of Lambeth history - Love Lambeth

In 1833, a rower from Lambeth won the annual race to be the fastest on the Thames. The prize he won 192 years ago has just been returned to Lambeth.

Doggett’s Coat and Badge

Every year without fail the Doggett’s Coat and Badge Wager race for solo rowers runs on the River Thames from London Bridge to Cadogan Pier in Chelsea.

“Boots on the Ground” celebrates 20 years of grassroots football

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“Boots on the Ground” celebrates 20 years of grassroots football - Love Lambeth

“Boots On The Ground” is a new photographic exhibition in Lambeth Archives. The photographs celebrate 20 years of the St Matthews Project (SMP) football outreach project. SMP has grown from a kickabout in Brockwell Park for kids from the St Matthews Estate – the estate that faces Lambeth Archives’ new home on Brixton Hill.

Artist and curator Ellie Laycock

Celebrate Culture, Community, and Life-Saving Blood Donation in Brixton

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Give Blood in Brixton’s new NHS blood donor centre and save lives - Love Lambeth

“For The Love” is a unique cultural event at Brixton House on 26 January marking the launch of the new NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) blood donor centre in Brixton. This special evening blends art, food, music, and a powerful purpose, shining a light on the need for more Black blood donors.

Word from the Cabinet

Lambeth resident hit with £82,000 compensation bill over care funding fraud

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Lambeth resident hit with £82,000 compensation bill over care funding fraud - Love Lambeth

The Kennington man was sentenced to two years in custody, suspended for two years, in April 2023, after he was found guilty of Direct Payment fraud against Lambeth.

But the council’s counter-fraud team took further action to recover the money stolen from them through the fraud – and the courts have now ruled that the resident must pay back £82,238.68.

South Lambeth’s new home for sexual health services

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New home in Clapham for Lambeth Sexual Health - Love Lambeth

Minnie Kidd House in south Clapham is the new home for all the sexual health services that were previously available from the Streatham Hill clinic.

Word from the Cabinet

Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said: “For STI Awareness Day on 14 January we hope to raise awareness of sexual health in Lambeth and highlight Minnie Kidd House as the newest clinic in Lambeth.

Ofsted praise improvement in Lambeth Children’s social care

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Ofsted praise improvement in Lambeth Children’s social care - Love Lambeth

The visit which was held in December specifically evaluated ‘the experiences and progress of disabled children, children subject to child in need and protection planning and the quality of practice with children subject to the Public Law Outline’. It also looked at the quality of social work provided by the council.

The detailed findings which were shared with the council on January 13 found many areas of strength, praised the leadership in children’s services saying performance management was highly effective and also that services for disabled children are vastly improved.

Kick-start 2025 with free NHS weight loss support in Lambeth

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Free weight loss programme in Lambeth - Love Lambeth

People in Lambeth can join a free weight loss and exercise programme to help shed the pounds and maintain a consistently healthy weight.

Word from the Cabinet

Councillor Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth’s joint Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said: “Whether you’re making New Year’s resolutions or not this is a great way to boost your health in a supportive and inclusive environment. I’d encourage local people to sign up and start the year in a really positive way.”

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