Love Lambeth

Lambeth: Apply to create your own neighbourhood parklet

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Lambeth: Apply to create your own neighbourhood parklet - Love Lambeth

The council’s Big Shift Community Parklet Scheme is now asking for fresh applications for residents to establish their very own parklet in areas of Lambeth that need it most.

Parklets are a shared area of the kerbside that would normally be used by vehicle parking.

Instead, they can be transformed into a social space where residents can meet, create new green spaces, places to stop and rest and give them a say over how their streets are used.

The Big Shift Community Parklet Scheme was launched in 2023 to give every council area in Lambeth the chance to apply.

Ringside! Lambeth, Astley’s and the birth of British Circus exhibition in Lambeth Archives

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Roll up, roll up & see the show - Love Lambeth

A new exhibition, RINGSIDE! uses posters, documents and illustrations from Lambeth Archives’ rich collections to bring Astley’s back to life. It also features Astley’s local competitors – including Vauxhall Gardens, the Canterbury Hall and the Royal Circus – whose combined attractions made Lambeth an exciting entertainment destination for Vicorian Londoners.

Circus families

Lambeth: Thames Water service disruption in the south of the borough

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Lambeth: Thames Water service disruption in the south of the borough - Love Lambeth

An estimated 5,000 households are impacted. In a statement that was updated at 6.30am on Wednesday morning Thames Water said:

We are sorry if you are experiencing a loss of water supply or loss of pressure in your area. We have located the burst pipe in the area and have teams working hard to resolve the issue.

Our team have been working overnight to fix the pipe and will continue to work throughout today; and our engineers have been working to get your water supply back while we carry out the fix.

Lambeth Proposes to Enhance Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route

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Lambeth Proposes to Enhance Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route - Love Lambeth

The Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route is part of the Healthy Routes network, connecting neighbourhoods in and around Herne Hill, Tulse Hill and Streatham, using mainly quieter streets. Since September 2020, the project has sought to enable walking, cycling, and wheeling.

The first phase introduced cycle lanes on Norwood Road alongside Brockwell Park. In the second phase, traffic wands were added to the northbound cycle lane, to increase safety for people cycling.

Winning Thames waterman’s prize returns to Lambeth Archives

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Welcome home to a rare piece of Lambeth history - Love Lambeth

In 1833, a rower from Lambeth won the annual race to be the fastest on the Thames. The prize he won 192 years ago has just been returned to Lambeth.

Doggett’s Coat and Badge

Every year without fail the Doggett’s Coat and Badge Wager race for solo rowers runs on the River Thames from London Bridge to Cadogan Pier in Chelsea.

“Boots on the Ground” celebrates 20 years of grassroots football

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“Boots on the Ground” celebrates 20 years of grassroots football - Love Lambeth

“Boots On The Ground” is a new photographic exhibition in Lambeth Archives. The photographs celebrate 20 years of the St Matthews Project (SMP) football outreach project. SMP has grown from a kickabout in Brockwell Park for kids from the St Matthews Estate – the estate that faces Lambeth Archives’ new home on Brixton Hill.

Artist and curator Ellie Laycock

Celebrate Culture, Community, and Life-Saving Blood Donation in Brixton

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Give Blood in Brixton’s new NHS blood donor centre and save lives - Love Lambeth

“For The Love” is a unique cultural event at Brixton House on 26 January marking the launch of the new NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) blood donor centre in Brixton. This special evening blends art, food, music, and a powerful purpose, shining a light on the need for more Black blood donors.

Word from the Cabinet

Lambeth resident hit with £82,000 compensation bill over care funding fraud

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Lambeth resident hit with £82,000 compensation bill over care funding fraud - Love Lambeth

The Kennington man was sentenced to two years in custody, suspended for two years, in April 2023, after he was found guilty of Direct Payment fraud against Lambeth.

But the council’s counter-fraud team took further action to recover the money stolen from them through the fraud – and the courts have now ruled that the resident must pay back £82,238.68.